Tis the season to celebrate! Not only are we back with another annual retrospective but it just happens to be our 1-year anniversary! Us three have been in your ears for a full year now and we look back at our show while also reflecting back on 2021 as a year of movies, TV shows, music, and emotions.

We also take this opportunity to look ahead to 2022 and make some comments on what we're looking forward to seeing/hearing, and Anthony makes a BOLD prediction about the upcoming Super Mario movie!

Make sure you are pouring yourself a lovely mug of something sweet, tuck yourself in for a long winter's nap, and listen to our latest episode! We've loved making this show for the past year and here's to many more!

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And read this article by Kodi Maier about queerbaiting in animation, as discussed during Anthony's Luca comments.

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