_Note: Sorry for the poor audio quality on my end. Recording is hard... _
Nina and I discuss her incredible journey through evaluation from research analyst to independent consultant to founder and principal of her own evaluation consulting firm, Intention 2 Impact (https://www.intention2impact.com/). We discuss starting up her business and how that's been going. Along the way, we also discuss her evaluation background, including her dissertation-in-progress on entrepreneurship in evaluation.
Music by Matt Ingelson, http://www.mattingelsonmusic.com/

_Note: Sorry for the poor audio quality on my end. Recording is hard... _

Nina and I discuss her incredible journey through evaluation from research analyst to independent consultant to founder and principal of her own evaluation consulting firm, Intention 2 Impact. We discuss starting up her business and how that's been going. Along the way, we also discuss her evaluation background, including her dissertation-in-progress on entrepreneurship in evaluation.

Music by Matt Ingelson, http://www.mattingelsonmusic.com/

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