This week, Chari Smith joins me to talk about nonprofit evaluation, how to build a culture of evaluation, the relationship between music and evaluation, and the AEA conference.
Chari Smith wrote a book! Nonprofit Program Evaluation Made Simple: Get your Data. Show your Impact. Improve your Programs ( Sign up for the mailing list to learn more about the book, including the launch date.
Resources & People Mentioned:
In 4 All ( blog post on adapting to Covid-19
Managing applied social research ( by Russ-eft and colleagues (2017)
Enhancing the effectiveness of logic models ( by Jones et al. (2020)
Northwest Housing Alternatives concept paper: Program Evaluation and Data Culture in Resident Services (
Graphic mentioned - NW Housing Alternatives: Housing Stability Status ( This graphic was created as a result of the evaluation planning session with Resident Service Coordinator staff. We wanted to visually depict where their program activities fell on a spectrum of residents that are at a high risk of losing housing to a low risk of losing housing. This graphic was included in their program evaluation plan.
Data into Dollars: The Intersection of Program Evaluation & Fundraising ( blog post
Chari's presidential strand session ( with AEA president Aimee White on Tuesday, October 27
New Directions for Evaluation: Organizational Capacity to Do and Use Evaluation (
Two people mentioned: Michael Quinn Patton ( and Stephanie Evergreen (
Chari Smith: [email protected]
EvaluLand: Website ( & Twitter (@EvaluLand (
About Chari:
Chari Smith believes evaluation should be accessible, practical and usable. She founded Evaluation into Action, located in Portland, Oregon, to help nonprofit professionals create realistic and meaningful program evaluation processes. She has taught several workshops helping nonprofit professionals understand the value and use of program evaluation. Her book comes out fall 2020: Nonprofit Program Evaluation Made Simple: Get Your Data. Show Your Impact. Improve Your Programs. (
Music by Matt Ingelson,

This week, Chari Smith joins me to talk about nonprofit evaluation, how to build a culture of evaluation, the relationship between music and evaluation, and the AEA conference.

Chari Smith wrote a book! Nonprofit Program Evaluation Made Simple: Get your Data. Show your Impact. Improve your Programs. Sign up for the mailing list to learn more about the book, including the launch date.

Resources & People Mentioned:

In 4 All blog post on adapting to Covid-19
Managing applied social research by Russ-eft and colleagues (2017)
Enhancing the effectiveness of logic models by Jones et al. (2020)
Northwest Housing Alternatives concept paper: Program Evaluation and Data Culture in Resident Services
Graphic mentioned - NW Housing Alternatives: Housing Stability Status: This graphic was created as a result of the evaluation planning session with Resident Service Coordinator staff. We wanted to visually depict where their program activities fell on a spectrum of residents that are at a high risk of losing housing to a low risk of losing housing. This graphic was included in their program evaluation plan.
Data into Dollars: The Intersection of Program Evaluation & Fundraising blog post
Chari's presidential strand session with AEA president Aimee White on Tuesday, October 27
New Directions for Evaluation: Organizational Capacity to Do and Use Evaluation
Two people mentioned: Michael Quinn Patton and Stephanie Evergreen


Chari Smith: [email protected]
EvaluLand: Website & Twitter (@EvaluLand)

About Chari:

Chari Smith believes evaluation should be accessible, practical and usable. She founded Evaluation into Action, located in Portland, Oregon, to help nonprofit professionals create realistic and meaningful program evaluation processes. She has taught several workshops helping nonprofit professionals understand the value and use of program evaluation. Her book comes out fall 2020: Nonprofit Program Evaluation Made Simple: Get Your Data. Show Your Impact. Improve Your Programs.

Music by Matt Ingelson,

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