Wow, there's been a lot of news and song releases since we last spoke to you. We'll be covering all of that and more in this SUPERSIZED episode.

France - Alma - "Requiem"
Italy - Francesco Gabbani - "Occidentali's Karma"
Germany - Levina - "Perfect Life"
Spain - Manel Navarro - "Do It For Your Lover"
Moldova - SunStroke Project - "Hey, Mamma!"
Austria - Nathan Trent - "Running On Air"
Croatia - Jacques Houdek - "My Friend"
Ukraine - O.Torvald - "Time"
Latvia - Triana Park - "Line"
The Netherlands - O'G3NE - "Lights and Shadows"
Malta - Claudia Faniello - "Breathlessly"
Hungary - Joci Pâpai - "Origo"
Poland - Kasia Moś - "Flashlight"
Slovenia - Omar Naber - "On My Way"
Denmark - Anja Nissen - "Where I Am"
Cyprus - Hovig - "Gravity"
Romania - Ilinca ft. Alex Florea - "Yodel It!"
Estonia - Koit Toome & Laura - "Verona"