Speechwriters & Business Communicators Conference 2014, Thursday, 3 April 2014, Oxford.

Jens is professor of rhetoric and visual communication at University of Bergen (Norway). He has written extensively about rhetoric, speech making, speech writing and powerpoint-presentations.
He is president of the Rhetoric Society of Europe and co-founder and longtime chief editor of the research journal Rhetorica Scandinavia. For more than 15 years Kjeldsen has done speech writing courses and rhetorical consultant work for CEOs, political parties, and for most of the Norwegian ministries, including Ministry of Trade and Industry and The Office of the Prime Minister.

Jens will be asking what's the point of speaking today, in the age of internet, social media, interviews and a constant shrinking of audience attention span? He will encourage speechwriters to reflect on the fundamentals of what they do: What's the point of speeches - and speechwriting?