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Nicola Sturgeon was rebuked by ministers and MPs after she delivered the jibe during an interview in which she hinted at a possible election tie-up with Keir Starmer . The SNP leader insisted it is 'not difficult to answer' the question of whether Sir Keir or Liz Truss should be in No10, saying: 'I detest the Tories and everything they stand for.'
An orchestra which has received more than £1 million of public money refused to play the National Anthem after the Queen died because it said it symbolises the ‘racist’ British Empire.The Chineke! Orchestra performed at the Lucerne Festival in Switzerland during the mourning period, but founder and artistic director Chi-chi Nwanoku banned the playing of God Save The King.

The rapper Kanye West , 45, has found himself in hot water following his controversial Paris Fashion Week show where he showcased a White Lives Matter shirt - before making a swipe at the Jewish community. In a tweet that has since been removed by the social media giant, Kanye wrote: 'I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE.'

British lamb has been shipped to the US for the first time in 20 years on October 6. It is the result of landmark deal reached last year with the United States Department for Agriculture and will open up a market of more than 300 million people for British lamb producers.The first consignment of lamb was sent to the US this week by Dunbia from its site in Carmarthenshire, Wales.

Britain's most tattooed man has spoken out about how his extensive collection of body modifications has resulted in unfair treatment in the workplace. Matthew Whelan from Birmingham, who is also known as King Body Art, kingofinkland79 or B-art, has tattooed over some 90 per cent of his body, spending more than £40,000 on the extensive inkings.

Men technically age faster than women, experts have claimed. Anti-ageing researchers found men in their fifties were biologically four years older than their female counterparts, on average. And the gap already exists in 20-somethings, according to the first study of its kind. Scientists compared the chronological age of thousands of volunteers — how many birthdays they've had — against their biological one. This was done using tests that estimate the body's decline based on subtle markers attached to our DNA

..................After all, these days Sky Sports is the official broadcast partner of BLM and jumps on every passing woke bandwagon with all the subtlety of Sunderland’s Lee Cattermole taking out anyone who got in his way.So you won’t be surprised to learn that Football’s Toughest Opponent isn’t any of the above. It is, wait for it, climate change..............