The loss of income that millions of Europeans are or will experience as a result of the pandemic has attracted interest to income guarantee schemes. For instance, Spain just adopted a minimal income scheme.  

However, differences among member states prevail as to their ability to finance these measures. In this context, a European Citizens Initiative is seeking to gather one million signatures to ask the EU Commission to launch a European basic income.  

We address this debate from the sustainability perspective: what social and fiscal measures will be required to support efforts by European societies and economies to reduce CO2 emmissions at a pace similar to the one experienced during the pandemic? 

Listen to the debate with: 

Ricard Bellera. Secretary for Labour and Economy of the Trade Union Comisiones Obreras Catalonia. 

Ernest Urtasun. Member of the European Parliament. Member of the Greens European Free Alliance. 

Sharon Baute. Postdoctoral Researcher at the Universiteit van Amsterdam.  

Moderation: Carlos Carnicero Urabayen.  

Technical production and edition: Franco Delle Donne.  

An OpenEUpodcast produced by Agenda Pública

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