We are around the time when we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Moon landing. And it is not a coincidence that for this latest space time exploration of europarama we would like to take you all in an interplanetary journey. And imagine a Europe that expands towards the outer space.

After all, the science fiction dreams of going to the other sky objects started here in Europe, in 1865 with Jules Verne’s "From the Earth to the Moon". Even if even Jules Verne imagined that the first bullet to be shoot from our planet would have taken place in the United States.

If we’ll have to imagine a deep future interplanetary European Union, how this would look like?

Richard-Molard is an author working and writing from Brussels. Magna Carta Galactica is his first Sci-Fi Novel but Gabriel is a regular columnist for the French and German press. He is born in Montpellier and has worked in Strasbourg, Berlin, Cologne and Brussels. In Magna Carta Galactica he works about his primary passions: European Politics and Space discovery.

Giuseppe Porcaro is the author of DISCO SOUR, a novel about Europe and democracy in the age of algorithms, among the winners of the Altiero Spinelli Prize for Outrech of the European Union in 2018. Giuseppe is interested in how the intersection between technology and politics is moving towards uncharted territories in the future. He also focuses on narrative-building and political representations in the European Union. He works as the head of communications for Bruegel.