Good morning! This morning I begin by talking about some of the latest MGH DAO developments regarding staking. Staking on Polygon has been available for a week, and now staking on Ethereum is becoming available! I talk a bit about MGH DAO and why I am attracted to it. Then, I go into some of the legal questions surrounding the creation of a metaverse as a whole as this subject is really fascinating to me. We all collect data as info. What happens when that data becomes currency? How and by who is that data collected? What are we allowed to do with it? Can we live and eat with that data? Who is allowed to create and own that data in metaverse? Who owns the data created by AI bots/NFTs in the metaverse? What are the overarching governance/engineering mechanism in the metaverse? How is this regulated? So many questions. For those fearful of a metaverse Matrix-style dystopia, don't worry, we are still far away from being trapped in pods and fed through a tube. Sources: