In this episode JoJo and Ian Appow sit down to talk trees, wildfire prevention and the wonder of living in Oregon! 

Ian is the coordinator for the Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Reduction Project whose mission is to maximize the social, economic and environmental benefits of Eugene’s urban forest and to minimize its costs and liabilities by means of adaptive management and community engagement. 

Ian shares his experience working with the pilot program and how important fire mitigation is in the time of climate change, deforestation and the buildup of fuel that feeds fires. With consistently drier summers and our urban growth boundary ever changing due to population growth we find ourselves facing new challenges when it comes to controlling wildfires. 

You can learn more about urban fire hazards, how to mitigate fires on your property and more by reaching out to the Eugene Fire Marshal, Eugene Public Works, Oregon Department of Forestry and Northwest Youth Corps. And of course by listening to this episode.

About EugCast:

EugCast is a volunteer-powered, cooperative chit-chat where we talk with people who may or may not live in the Eugene, Oregon area. We think they have some really cool stories to share, but we’ll leave that up to you, the listener, to decide!

EugCast is recorded at Trifoia in Eugene Oregon!