Exploring Etsy's Latest Features: A Deep Dive

Hello Etsy sellers!

There’s buzz around town about some new features Etsy has rolled out, and today we're diving deep into what these mean for you and your shop. Let's walk through each of these exciting additions and weigh their pros and cons.

But first, a treat! For those of you eager to give your Etsy business an added boost, I've crafted an invaluable guide: 10 Ways to Accelerate Etsy Growth. Grab your free copy and set the stage for a successful selling journey.

1. Pricing Optimizer Tool Cons:

Doesn't consider current sales or promotions. Might not provide accurate comparisons since it bases its suggestions on keywords. Remember, products can differ in materials, quality, and more. If your item is unique, it may struggle to find a comparison. Don't be swayed by its advice blindly. For instance, one of my bestsellers, priced at $51.98, received a suggestion to lower it to the $32-35 range, despite its current success. Appears limited in the listings it presents.


Great for sellers unsure about their pricing strategy. (Also, do check out our previous episode on effective product pricing.) Provides a glimpse of similar listings for comparison. Facilitates easy price alterations and feedback provision.

2. 'From Etsy' Message Section Safety first! With a recent surge in suspicious messages from entities posing as Etsy staff, Etsy's taken a crucial step to enhance our security. Introducing the “From Etsy” section in Messages. It's a streamlined way to immediately recognize genuine communications from the platform, whether it's from Marketing, Support, Research, or Community teams.

3. Revamped Gift Packing Slips Gifting on Etsy just got better. The refreshed gift packing slips are designed keeping the recipient in mind:

The gift message stands out, positioned prominently at the top. QR codes have been integrated, leading directly to your shop and Etsy. And here's the cherry on top: if you've set up a discount code for future buys, that too gets a mention. If you haven’t yet, it's a hint to get started!

In conclusion, while Etsy's continuous improvements cater to enhancing seller experience, it's crucial to use these tools judiciously and in alignment with your shop's unique needs.