I get asked this all the time by other Etsy Sellers.  What do I spend my time on and how much time?  This is such a seemingly mundane thing, but probably one of my biggest struggles and things that hurt me early on in my etsy journey. 

I didn't realize how important it was to not only plan out your day but do it in a strategic way.  Today I want to help you do this and give the EXACT strategy I use to strategically plan out my days, weeks, and months.  I'll also give you the 3 areas every Etsy shop owner should be focusing on each week to make the BIGGEST, positive impact.   This may not seem like a big deal but it will be a game-changer in your business once you implement it!

Don't forget to download the free Goal Setting Worksheet.  It will help take what I talk about today a step further and give you the bigger picture.  I promise you it works. 

Get it here:  https://www.handmadeandbeyond.com/goals