Concerns have been rife among genuine crafters about Etsy being inundated with commodity items posing as handmade crafts. Addressing this, Etsy took decisive action on Monday. Listings now flagged by Etsy's automated system for potentially breaching its Handmade Policy will stay active but won't be visible in search results or recommendations. This hiatus allows Etsy's specialists to review the listing in question. The brand assures, "Our team will then decide if the listing should be taken down or if it's fit to continue its presence on Etsy." Sellers can expect this review process to conclude in less than 24 hours.

In other Etsy news:

A new "Share and Save" workshop recording is now available on the seller dashboard. Highlight: for every $100 order, sellers receive $4 back.

Etsy is expanding its technological horizons. After integrating Augmented Reality (AR) technology for painting, photography, and prints in 2020, they're branching into home furnishings, enhancing the shopping experience for users.

Etsy's recent moves signal its commitment to preserving the platform's core ethos while embracing technological advances for an enriched user experience.