A great discussion and inside look into achieving results and overcoming obstacles while maintaining your integrity and authenticity. Kris has met with tremendous success after his own struggles and mistakes and now runs multiple companies and is a leading business coach guiding others to increase their business success.

Kris Whitehead founder of  ICONIC Alliance, Think to Succeed and New England Custom Remodeling is a High Performance Personal and Professional Development Coach.  Kris exploded Think to Succeed into a world- wide coaching practice in mere months and has owned and operated 5 successful businesses over the last 17 years ranging from 2 Design/Build companies, Real Estate Investing, and profitable online businesses’.  Kris’ expertise pinpoints the fundamental building blocks required to succeed in today’s marketplace, online or offline.
Kris’ primary focus is on the individual within the organization, the mindset and actions that are required to truly achieve exceptionally rapid levels of success.  
Kris mastery of laser-like focus and immediate implementation drive his client’s results while imparting the knowledge and wisdom required to truly empower his clients to win at any goal they choose in the future!

“Integrity, Information, and Innovation…when you have these in sync, everything you’ll ever want is yours to have.”