If you've ever had a high level of chaos to deal with (and as business owners who hasn't?) This episode will help you tremendously. Jeff Banman is master of "Calm the Chaos" He has tremendous experience in some of the most demanding and dangerous occupations from the fire service to counter terrorism and he shares how to bring calm to virtually any situation. These are critical tools for the entrepreneur and you get access to some of them in this episode!

For 30 years I have operated with, studied, researched and dissected the top 1% across the Fire Service, Law Enforcement, Military Special Operations, Intelligence Communities, Business Leaders and Professional Athletes to fully understand what separates success from failure in EVERY aspect of life. My journey led me to discover the underlying skills these individuals directly and indirectly acquired that made them capable of unparalleled success in some of the most difficult moments life has to offer.

The one commonality in all... they knew how to bring calm to chaos. They were the ones to settle the situation, execute with precision and lead with an exceptional level of effectiveness. They knew how to be Comfortable in ANY situation, Confident in their own abilities and a level of Creativity that enabled them to solve highly complex problems under great duress.

10 day free calm the chaos course:  http://mindsetradio.com
Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffbanman/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/chaoszerosix/