"Stick with your vision and keep working on stuff... someone else is going to do it if you don't... Use your imagination more and more. It’s not just about being an entrepreneur, it's about being a gritty, dynamic person that survives chaos."

Welcome to "Establishing Your Empire," where we dive into the journeys of successful entrepreneurs and innovators. On this episode I’m excited to host Michael Devellano, a dynamic figure in the tech industry with over 25 years of experience. As a founder, executive, and investor, Michael has left his mark on numerous technology startups and is currently the founder & CTO of Opps.ai.

Michael is not just a business leader but also an author, with his latest book, "Form Your Own Pack," exploring the power of collaboration in the business world, drawing inspiration from a unique Japanese business model. He’s also the driving force behind the Founders Pack community, offering a platform for entrepreneurial networking and growth.

In this episode, Michael shares his profound insights on business strategy, the transformative role of AI and blockchain in education, and offers valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. This is a must listen for anyone wanting to leverage the exciting opportunities in the evolving world of technology and AI to their advantage.

Key Topics Discussed:

Business and Money: The conversation begins with a discussion about the influence and challenges of money in business settings. It emphasizes the need to be aware of financial dynamics and their impact on business objectives and problems.

Strategic Partnerships and Community Building: The speakers delve into the concept of creating an "information pack" in business, focusing on the importance of strategic partnerships, community engagement, and the role of investors and advisors in scaling a business.

Business Goals and Revenue Generation: The dialogue touches upon the balance between focusing on future goals and the necessity of revenue generation in business ventures. The importance of having clear, achievable goals is highlighted.

Team Dynamics in Startups: The discussion shifts to the significance of assembling the right team or "pack" in startups, stressing the need for diverse skills, clear communication, and aligned expectations among team members.

Educational Transformation through Technology: There is a significant focus on the transformation of education through AI and blockchain, discussing personalized learning experiences and the potential for these technologies to revolutionize the educational landscape.

Personal Entrepreneurial Journeys: The speakers share their personal backgrounds and experiences, providing various perspectives on entrepreneurial journeys and the lessons learned along the way.

Equity and Startup Partnerships: The conversation explores the complex topic of equity distribution in startups, addressing the challenges of aligning contributions and expectations in partnerships.

Blockchain Technology Potential: The potential applications of blockchain technology are discussed, particularly in education, emphasizing the need for innovative applications beyond its current usage.

Writing and Publishing a Book: Michael Devellano shares insights into his process of writing and publishing a book, including challenges, strategies, and the importance of marketing and promotion.

Advice to Younger Individuals and Entrepreneurs: The speakers provide personal advice for younger individuals and budding entrepreneurs, focusing on perseverance, vision, risk-taking, and the importance of learning from failures.

Future Plans and Aspirations: Devellano talks about his future plans, particularly in the fields of AI and education, with a strong desire to provide mass-customized education and contribute positively to these sectors.

Reflections on Personal Motivations and Legacy: The episode concludes with reflections on personal motivations for writing and contributing ideas, along with thoughts on the legacy and impact one hopes to leave, especially in entrepreneurial and technological spaces.