Today I’m tackling even more menopause myths that are so disempowering and disruptive to women, holding you back from living your best life in menopause and beyond. You deserve to face your day with energy, grace, and confidence, and the first step is exposing and letting go of the lies that you may be holding onto.
Tune in now to see which of these myths you’ve been believing (whether consciously or not), and how you can take ownership of your health starting today!

A simple energy-boosting practice that takes less than 30 seconds per day

The truth about how menopause sets in (hint: it doesn’t happen overnight)

Why feeling sick, tired, and miserable doesn’t have to be “normal” during menopause

Real ways to approach symptoms (without synthetic hormones) even when you’re postmenopausal

And more!

Mentioned in this episode:
Save 15% on your first Organifi order here!
Essentially You episode 233: Debunking Menopause Myths Once and for All Part 1
The Essential Oils Menopause Solution
Top 11 Supplements to Balance Hormones Naturally
Related resources:
Essentially You episode 211: What is the Difference Between Perimenopause and Menopause, and Why is it so Confusing?
Essentially You episode 188: The Low-Down on Hormones and How to Get Your Mojo Back in Menopause with Dr. Anna Cabeca
Essentially You episode 174: How to Be a Menopause Boss—4 Steps to Thriving in Menopause with Kyrin Dunston
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Today I’m tackling even more menopause myths that are so disempowering and disruptive to women, holding you back from living your best life in menopause and beyond. You deserve to face your day with energy, grace, and confidence, and the first step is exposing and letting go of the lies that you may be holding onto.


Tune in now to see which of these myths you’ve been believing (whether consciously or not), and how you can take ownership of your health starting today!


A simple energy-boosting practice that takes less than 30 seconds per day
The truth about how menopause sets in (hint: it doesn’t happen overnight)
Why feeling sick, tired, and miserable doesn’t have to be “normal” during menopause
Real ways to approach symptoms (without synthetic hormones) even when you’re postmenopausal
And more!


Mentioned in this episode:

Save 15% on your first Organifi order here!

Essentially You episode 233: Debunking Menopause Myths Once and for All Part 1

The Essential Oils Menopause Solution

Top 11 Supplements to Balance Hormones Naturally


Related resources:

Essentially You episode 211: What is the Difference Between Perimenopause and Menopause, and Why is it so Confusing?

Essentially You episode 188: The Low-Down on Hormones and How to Get Your Mojo Back in Menopause with Dr. Anna Cabeca

Essentially You episode 174: How to Be a Menopause Boss—4 Steps to Thriving in Menopause with Kyrin Dunston

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