In order to stop emotional eating and self-sabotage, you must:

Take the time to check in with yourself, truly sense hunger cues from your body, and slow down when eating 

Provide yourself with options other than eating to break your unconscious habit

Look to what is actually causing emotions in your life such as stress and anxiety and heal those from the ground up

Have you been using food as a way to distract or numb your unpleasant emotions or unmet needs? Our world feels like a scary movie, and it is creating a lot of emotions around eating. If you are struggling with food right now, you are not alone, and traveling fitness professional and coach Natasha Allen is here today to help you embrace mindful eating and stop self-sabotaging.
Ending Emotional Eating Once and For All With Natasha Allen
Natasha wants to provide you with nonjudgemental recommendations so that you can break the cycle of emotional eating and start winning at life. After 20 years in the corporate world, Natasha broke free of her limiting beliefs and gained her confidence by failing forward. Passionate about helping women sit down and deal with their emotions, and ultimately repair their relationship with food and their body, Natasha is the expert you need to hear from if you are looking to tap into your inner dialogue and heal the disconnect between your mind and your body.
How to Stop Giving Into Your Cravings
Instead of giving in to your cravings or subconsciously eating way more than you need, Natasha has some simple steps that you can take to start analyzing the role food is playing in your life. It is time to stop reaching for that bag of chips and start truly understanding what is going on at the root of your emotions so that you can start serving your body with things that it actually needs.
Why Mindful Eating Is So Important
Our busy, overwhelmed society has us shoveling our food in a few minutes flat, grazing all day, or forgetting to eat entirely until we binge eat everything. This is not the way our bodies are meant to function optimally. By taking the time to sit and deal with your emotions, you can discover what your inner needs truly are and start to meet them without food. Emotional and binge eating can often be used to distract or numb from things we don’t want to deal with, and it is only by kindly questioning yourself that you can start to unveil your hidden patterns. 
Resources Mentioned:
See Natasha on Ms. Health and Fitness 2020 Here
Emotional Eating Advice Website
Follow Natasha on Instagram | Facebook | YouTube 
Break Free From Emotional Eating Facebook Group
Other Resources:
Check out the full show notes page
Keep up with everything Dr. Mariza
Follow Dr. Mariza on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube
Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative
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In order to stop emotional eating and self-sabotage, you must:
Take the time to check in with yourself, truly sense hunger cues from your body, and slow down when eating 
Provide yourself with options other than eating to break your unconscious habit
Look to what is actually causing emotions in your life such as stress and anxiety and heal those from the ground up

Have you been using food as a way to distract or numb your unpleasant emotions or unmet needs? Our world feels like a scary movie, and it is creating a lot of emotions around eating. If you are struggling with food right now, you are not alone, and traveling fitness professional and coach Natasha Allen is here today to help you embrace mindful eating and stop self-sabotaging.


Ending Emotional Eating Once and For All With Natasha Allen

Natasha wants to provide you with nonjudgemental recommendations so that you can break the cycle of emotional eating and start winning at life. After 20 years in the corporate world, Natasha broke free of her limiting beliefs and gained her confidence by failing forward. Passionate about helping women sit down and deal with their emotions, and ultimately repair their relationship with food and their body, Natasha is the expert you need to hear from if you are looking to tap into your inner dialogue and heal the disconnect between your mind and your body.


How to Stop Giving Into Your Cravings

Instead of giving in to your cravings or subconsciously eating way more than you need, Natasha has some simple steps that you can take to start analyzing the role food is playing in your life. It is time to stop reaching for that bag of chips and start truly understanding what is going on at the root of your emotions so that you can start serving your body with things that it actually needs.


Why Mindful Eating Is So Important

Our busy, overwhelmed society has us shoveling our food in a few minutes flat, grazing all day, or forgetting to eat entirely until we binge eat everything. This is not the way our bodies are meant to function optimally. By taking the time to sit and deal with your emotions, you can discover what your inner needs truly are and start to meet them without food. Emotional and binge eating can often be used to distract or numb from things we don’t want to deal with, and it is only by kindly questioning yourself that you can start to unveil your hidden patterns. 


Resources Mentioned:

See Natasha on Ms. Health and Fitness 2020 Here

Emotional Eating Advice Website

Follow Natasha on Instagram | Facebook | YouTube 

Break Free From Emotional Eating Facebook Group


Other Resources:

Check out the full show notes page

Keep up with everything Dr. Mariza

Follow Dr. Mariza on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube

Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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