“When you stay with your WHY, change becomes easier.” -Laura Kyttanen


“We as moderns have attempted to change the structure of water for the better but unintentionally, there's been some profound consequences… So we may be using a lot of water, but we're not getting hydrated. Water is broken and that's an important conversation to have.” -Gina Bria 


Episode Description:

Welcome to the first episode in our special series: Essential Ingredients FOR THE MIND!


This series is a whole new conversation about food mindset and how it impacts you to build a sustainable and regenerative business and mind. In this episode, Laura Kyttanen joins Justine as a co-host for an informative discussion about hydration and how it affects our mental capacity and behavior. Laura is the Founder and CEO of Zielo Studio and it’s her mission to empower others to “expand their minds and elevate their business and life on their terms.”


Our guest this week is a familiar name, Gina Bria. She has been a guest and co-host on previous episodes. As a Real World Scholar, Gina is passionate about hydration strategies for health and agriculture. 


Contrary to popular belief, hydration is more than simply taking in fluids. It also pertains to the ability of the body to absorb water. Therefore, real hydration occurs when the body meets a certain condition that allows for the absorption of the right type and amount of water. According to Professor David Nieman of the Appalachian State University and a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2015, plain water needs to be accompanied by nutrients, fats, amino acids, and minerals for it to be taken up and absorbed well in the body.    


In this episode, Gina warns about drinking “naked” water. Tune in as she teaches easy and tasty ways to make your water more hydrating. She also relates an intriguing study about the contrast between polluted and pristine water and how it may affect how people think, behave, and function. We are “walking water beings” and that’s why hydration is key for our mindset and all aspects of our lives. 

Connect with Gina Bria:

Named Real World Scholar, Gina researches, consults, and speaks on hydration strategies for health and agriculture. She founded Hydration Foundation.org to promote optimal hydration for people, plants, and soils. The Hydration Foundation generates direct public activism in food quality and security by collecting funds to donate water-saving/soil decontaminating irrigation funnels directly to farmers. Her work advances the findings of Dr. Gerald Pollack, renowned for his identification of the fourth phase of water. Her initiatives through the Hydration Foundation have accelerated research and practices in health and soil regeneration. The Hydration Foundation has become known for pilot projects which quickly turn into standard best practices. 








Connect with Laura Kyttanen:

Laura is the Founder and CEO of Zielo Studio, an incredible coaching community empowering her clients to ignite their passions, expand their minds and elevate their business and life on their terms. Her signature coaching model was created from her passion for spirituality and neuroscience, experience in business and change management, as well as her personal triumphs. Her favorite question is, “Why not dream bigger?”  






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Episode Highlights:

02:37 What Mindset Includes 

06:13 We Are Walking Water Beings

11:36 Polluted vs Pristine Water

18:18 Don’t Drink Naked Water!

21:43 Use Organic Matter for Your Water

26:06 Food is Hydration

30:10 How to Course Correct

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