“Regenerative goes one step beyond sustainability. It's making something better than you found it.” -Courtney Boyd Myers

Episode Description:

Did you know? Over 50 billion burgers are consumed annually in the US alone? If arranged in a straight line, they could circle the earth 32 times!   It’s fair to say that humans love their burgers.  Yet, there is much debate about just how (un)healthy and sustainable this unquestionable food favorite is for humans- and for our planet.  The public has been introduced to alternative proteins and an increasing number of better-for-you substitutes.  In this episode, Justine talks with Courtney Boyd Myers, the CEO and Co-Founder of AKUA, which just launched a much-hyped kelp burger! (Guess we can still enjoy burgers after all!) Kelp is one of the superfoods slowly gaining popularity in the market today. It’s overflowing with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that boost health- and its benefits are said to include revving the metabolism, helping the body absorb water, combating stress, protecting the heart, and ridding the body of cancer-causing free radicals.  Courtney relates the genesis of this tasty and healthy meat alternative, describes the process of regenerative ocean farming and the potential kelp has in the future of food. Courtney also talks about how this innovation has provided an opportunity for AKUA to promote health and give back to the people, the community, and the environment. Tune in and discover more interesting facts about seaweeds, regenerative aquaculture and seafood alternatives!

Connect with Courtney: 

Courtney Boyd Myers is the CEO and Co-Founder of AKUA, a company that produces tasty and healthy burgers from kelp. AKUA utilizes regenerative aquaculture for their kelp farm, which is healthy for the planet and can also reverse the effects of climate change. Courtney is an investor in Public, which she describes as a ‘new age version of a trading service our parents used.’  She says that she’s online on Public every day and folks can reach out to her there to chat about what’s going on in the markets. Courtney is an avid kite surfer, swimmer, & rebel mermaid at heart. She is happiest in flippers or bare feet. She is "mostly vegan" but being married to a Frenchman means every once in a while, she sneaks in some fine cheese!








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Episode Highlights:

05:00 AKUA and Regenerative Ocean Farming

10:00 Why Seaweeds? 

17:00 Go Community!

21:48 3 Big Changes in the Food industry 

27:03 Amazing Seaweed and Aquaculture Facts

34:20 The Future of Alternative Seafood

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