Series: Mindful Eating Film and Food Festival 


Episode Description:

“There is still a choice… We need to strive to be better, instead of finding excuses.” -Skyler Thomas


Point Reyes is one of the most celebrated and visited locations in all of California. Nestled on the tip of the Marin Headlands, the small town is a near-perfect representation of the natural beauty of coastal California, with old-world charm and 21st century amenities. But the best part about Point Reyes is the opportunity to escape the bustle of the city and truly immerse yourself in nature.


The headlands that define Point Reyes’ landscape are dotted with historic lighthouses, picnic areas, frolicking animal species, and the path to the ocean is lined with hiking trails that take visitors up to spectacular views of the ocean and the San Francisco skyline.


As historic as it is, the future of Point Reyes is slowly jeopardized as its wildlife and natural resources are exploited and the question of how to use the land is still debated. The community is working to preserve the land, but the threat of development looms with its controversial land management plan.


Filmed and produced by award-winning, independent filmmaker Skyler Thomas, The Shame of Point Reyes- Elk Water is a follow up documentary that explores the history, current state, and future of Point Reyes. This film is one of the many features of the upcoming 3rd Annual Mindful Eating Film and Food Festival, produced by Rancho Compasión to be held on the 6th and 7th of August, 2022.  


In this episode, Skyler helps us see the truth about wildlife exploitation, not just in Point Reyes, but around the world. Justine and Skyler also discuss how we, as ordinary citizens, are used to subsidize private companies that harm the environment, and what choice is laid before us that can affect the future of animals and our environment. 

Meet Skyler: 

Skyler Thomas is an independent filmmaker focusing on issues of coexistence and an overall goal of slowing down the growing disconnection of humans from the natural world.  Starting with perhaps the most polarized animal on the planet Skyler spent 20 years diving with and filming various species of sharks before broadening the film themes to more animals.  During post-production of the sequel to Great White Lies an unexpected discovery of threats facing a national park near his home inspired the production of The Shame of Point Reyes.”








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Episode Highlights:

01:46 The Shame of Point Reyes 

04:39 Opening the Public’s Eyes

07:58 The Truth Exposed Through the Lens

09:55 There is Still a Choice

12:13 Connect with Interested and Interesting People

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