Gary Bembridge author of "The Cruise Traveler's Handbook" provides another 60-Second Cruise Tip. For more visit and subscribe free to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and TuneIn Radio

Solo Travellers Saving Money: Part Two

The cruising industry is looking at making cruising financially more attractive to solo travellers who usually have had to pay large surcharges to stay in cabins designed for twin occupancy.

Over the next few episodes I will share tips for solo travellers wanting to go cruising, for example:

Cruise on lines that have programs to partner up solo travellers.

Lines like Holland America and Princess have a matching program where solo travellers can sign up to be partnered up with another guest to share a cabin. Your travel agent or the line can manage this. You do, however, risk sharing with someone who you do not get on with.

Sign-up for solo travel site newsletters.

There are a number of sites that focus on finding and promoting deals for solo travellers which they send out in their eMail newsletters. They are a great resource for finding the best options. I recommend which has become one of the largest online resources for solo travel advice and deals. Sites like and arrange solo group cruises as well offering individual bookings and deals.

Get more tips in the next episode