Gary Bembridge author of "The Cruise Traveler's Handbook" provides another 60-Second Cruise Tip. For more visit and subscribe free to the podcast on iTunesStitcher Radio and TuneIn Radio

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Who is who on board: Part One

There are many hundreds of crew on board responsible for creating your cruise experience. Some you come across every day and others you may never see as they drive operations behind the scenes. Two of the most senior ones on every ship are:


The Captain is responsible for navigation, safety and ultimately for all on-board operations. You should see him or her around the ship frequently and hosting cocktail parties, but are unlikely to be invited onto the bridge or to dine with them. Security changes means few get onto the bridge and only important guests, like celebrities and frequent travellers get invited to either. You will have to satisfy yourself with a photograph taken with them at one of the events.

Hotel Manager

They are responsible for all passenger-facing activities including food and drink, housekeeping, shops, excursions  and the casino. You are also unlikely to interact with them other than at cocktail parties but they are the most senior person to speak to if you have a major issue with one of these areas that the department head cannot resolve to your satisfaction.

Listen to other episodes for more insights on who is who on board