Based on Maui, Jeana Naluai is a trained physical and massage therapist who shares her Native Hawaiian cultural healing practices with students through retreats and trainings, and at her spa in the town of Makawao. 
For the past 10 years, she has taught lomilomi, a Hawaiian traditional massage and healing tradition. She and Rabbi Rami discuss how lomilomi was used for medical treatment such as tissue massage and bone setting, but also had a spiritual and holistic purpose. Together, they explore how lomilomi can help the world today.
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Based on Maui, Jeana Naluai is a trained physical and massage therapist who shares her Native Hawaiian cultural healing practices with students through retreats and trainings, and at her spa in the town of Makawao. 

For the past 10 years, she has taught lomilomi, a Hawaiian traditional massage and healing tradition. She and Rabbi Rami discuss how lomilomi was used for medical treatment such as tissue massage and bone setting, but also had a spiritual and holistic purpose. Together, they explore how lomilomi can help the world today.


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