Welcome to our second series of Essenta Insights. This season will be focused on Purpose.

Purpose, a concept hard to ignore in 2021, both on a personal and corporate level. It touches many topics including Sustainability, D&I, Branding, Wellbeing and Mental Health strategies.

Series two will address business-critical issues, provide food for thought, offer new perspectives and share inspiring stories, all under the theme of Purpose. Tune in, enjoy and feel free to share your feedback with us. Essenta Insights is brought to you by Essenta Partners Executive Search.

Episode 1 – Wellbeing 2.0

Happier people are physically and mentally more resilient; leading to less sick leave, burn-outs and higher rates of staff retention. Companies are increasingly conscious of the fact that employee happiness is linked to motivation, creativity, innovation and overall productivity affecting the bottom line.  

In the current uncertain times it is helpful to re-frame the future as one full of possibility. The smartest companies will seize the chance to show prospective employees that they understand that their success depends on how effectively they can look after the happiness of their staff which in turn will enhance talent acquisition and retention rates.

In this episode, Polly Collingridge from Your Employee Wellbeing will share food for thought regarding the importance of wellbeing at work and the paradigm shift caused by the pandemic.

What were the kind of typical employee wellbeing offerings until now? How multi-faced is wellbeing and why do companies thrive when they design a comprehensive wellbeing strategy? What is the future of wellbeing and what does wellbeing 2.0 look like?

Join us today and enjoy this insightful and forward looking episode by Polly Collingridge!