The gaming industry has some significant issues yet to be solved, and the quickest, more effective way to solve them is through unity. The industry needs to develop a message, design a strategy, and execute it as a unit. 

To talk to us about it is Anthony Gaud, Emmy-Award winning entrepreneur and media executive, Member of the Board of Directors of the Esports Trade Association, and CEO of G3 Esports. 

During his over 25 years’ career, Anthony signed partnerships with The Walt Disney Company, Comcast, Microsoft Games, Viacom, Hasbro, and Nexon South Korea. He founded Conference One, the nation's first varsity-level collegiate esports league, is an expert in business development and is the Founder and Chair of the American Heart Association Youth and Gaming Task Force, subsequently formalized as Revive. 

Our conversation delves into the present and future of America's gaming and esports industry and how advanced it is compared with other countries in the world, especially South Korea, where Anthony spent considerable time working. We also talked about Anthony's journey in the industry, his experiences in South Korea, the Esports Trade Association's vision and mission, the lack of kids' engagement in traditional sports and its effects, and much more.


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