Our first episode of Quarantine via Zoom! Not as good as the in-studio setup, but good enough to get back in front of the camera and rant about games!

In this Episode, Jordie, Jordan & Eryn discuss the controversy surrounding CD Projekt Red & Cyberpunk 2077, the canon customization options for creating transgender characters, and the infamous soda/cola advertisement.

We also have an intense, passionate discussion about the FFVII Remake - what we liked, what we loved, what was just okay, and what we hated, as well as the Genderflux Cloud scene at the Honeybee Inn!

Last but not least, Ratchet & Clanks newest character is a canon transgender woman (Lombax) - and we love her! xD

Also discussed - Ghost of Tsushima, Baldur's Gate 3 and Divinity: Original Sin 2 - yes, again.