Welcome to Esoterotica’s "Myths and Lore" for October 28, 2020.

For all of the measures and milestones, horrors and triumphs that humanity has faced, what does not change is our desire to talk about it. Our species has sought to understand itself through the art of storytelling since we began communicating. And many of those stories endure and echo in us to one degree or another, for thousands of years.

Often when we hear the words myth and lore, we can mistakenly think of them as interchangeable. A myth is a story or legend passed down whose roots can be factual or fictitious. The word myth is also often used to mean false. Lore is traditional knowledge passed down. It encompasses a learning and study honed through generations.

Tonight our Provocateurs will delve into both sides of the theme. From their most earnest truths to finding depth and needed meaning in the fanciful.


Panzachual Poignant Procrastinator (proxied by Geoff Munsterman) a duet by Lilith Red and Shadow Angelina Megan Doe Juliet Rose Andy Reynolds Mike Marina Aimé SansSavant Shadow Angelina

Music: "Sun Won't Rise" © Ketsa.

Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. The money will be split among the writers, who are mostly out of work: Venmo or PayPal.