Previous Episode: Esoterotica: "On Fire"

Welcome to Esoterotica’s “Kinky Fucks” for May 12th, 2021.

If you’ve never been to an Esoterotica event—you may not know that we are some kinky fucks. Our Provocateurs get into all sorts of... let’s say less than usual sexual practices. And we do love them for it. If you’re interested in knowing more, you’ll need to ask them yourselves. And I highly recommend doing that. We have a quickie show tonight but it’s thick with the good stuff.

And you’re going to want to stick through to the end for some major news that we are so excited about...


Panzachual Just Shannon Mike Marina 

And with that we come to the end of Esoterotica’s “Kinky Fucks.” There are all sorts of words that are used to describe those with kinky proclivities. Some we embrace, others we reject. But we here at Esoterotica encourage you to be safe, sane, and consensual when seeking to dig in and shed the shame for what may not be on the average menu.

Join us in two weeks for our theme, "Bare Essentials." What are your green flags? What turns you on, sets your dials to yes, turns your sails in the direction of a person.

And now for our news...

On Wednesday, June 9th at 9pm you can find us back home in the AllWays Lounge on Saint Claude Avenue in New Orleans, Louisiana. It will have been one year and three months since we have been able to deliver our passion and poetry from the stage and I know I speak not only for myself when I say that I am ecstatic and grateful to be returning. Our cover will be $5 and we are elated to see your masked faces and reconnect with you in the flesh.

Music tonight was “Tales” by Ketsa.

Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
or PayPal