In this months show, we have a great conversation with David Elliott Johnson the creator and Director of Patch CV! We talk about his creative rebirth through modular equipment and the community. How he was inspired to create Patch CV. We talk about editing, lighting, videography and the collaborative vision and workflow of Patch CV. We talk about the inspiration David took from the many artists he interviewed, and much, much more! Sit back and grab a cuppa, you are going to enjoy this one!  

Show Timings

0.00 - Show intro

0.40 - Ed and Ben's pre-show chat: 


1.23 - Loosfruit GodsBox

2.00 - The Gnarly Crust/Noise Memory:) 


3.37 - Art Project - MPC Beats

6.09 - The Gnarly Crust2/ :) Bacteria into Microgranny 

This Weeks Guest: 

9.05 - Guest intro 

10.51 - David Elliott Johnson 

12.04 - The Unmistakable Creative Podcast 

15.13 - Inspirations behind creating Patch CV

37.35 - How did you piece PatchCV together creatively 

43.25 - Editing, lighting, shooting and mood 

49.34 - From series to film 

52.57 - More films on the horizon? 

59.42 - Where can you buy it?

1:00.52 - David's new show on creativity 

1:03.00 - The vinyl series 

1:04.00 - Bruse Springsteen 

1:04.30 - Show round-up 

Show info links
Godsbox Loosefruit
David's Interview with The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Patch CV Website
Patch CV on Vimeo
Patch CV on Amazon

Signing off
Isolation streaming resource -


Ed Ball Website:

Ed Ball on Youtube:

Ben Wilson aka DivKid: