What we leave behind is not nearly as important as what we take with us. At least, when it comes to moving or down-sizing. This is nothing to do with the legacy of our lives. This week the podcast tackles the topic of finding a new home. Leah’s dad is moving. Gord currently lives about […]

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What we leave behind is not nearly as important as what we take with us. At least, when it comes to moving or down-sizing. This is nothing to do with the legacy of our lives. This week the podcast tackles the topic of finding a new home.

Leah’s dad is moving. Gord currently lives about a 20 minute drive from his wife. The wife is in a nursing home as her health is poor. Every second day Gord drives 20 minutes down the highway to visit. Gord is 78 years old and his health is also deteriorating. Luckily, Gord’s wife owns a home only minutes from the healthcare facility she lives in. We are moving Gord to his wife’s old house.

Arranging this move for Gord has been a long process. First, we had to let the tenants know it was time for them to go. Convincing Gord to leave his current home has also been quite the event. Now, we are painting and repairing the new place for him to stay in. Gord and his wife are big time smokers. Three packs a day is not uncommon. All of their possessions are smoke-filled damaged. There is almost nothing salvageable. Only the essentials will make it to the new house.

In other news, Shawn and Leah are looking for a new place to live. Currently, they live in Leah’s house. There is not enough room for all their combined possessions. Nor is there room for guests. Therefore, the search for a new home is underway.

After seeing so many houses for sale, we have drawn some conclusions. Your grass needs to be mowed. Decluttering your house, and cleaning up is extremely important. Opening windows goes a long way. A fresh coat of paint won’t hurt anything.

As for moving, decluttering and getting rid of things you haven’t used in years is a great idea. You should use totes instead of cardboard boxes. Memories are in your head, not in your stuff. Take a picture and chuck out useless or extra items. What we leave behind or throw out will not be missed.

This week’s podcast promo: Tales From Hollywoodland

The post What We Leave Behind – soul forge podcast 328 appeared first on The ESO Network.