Time travel is one of the classic expressions of science-fiction. H.G. Wells went there with his time machine and Hollywood has gone to that well many times and told us many stories with that idea as their basis. In this episode we do a deep dive on time travel. We discuss the methods and philosophies …

The 42cast Episode 183: It’s About Time Read More »

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Time travel is one of the classic expressions of science-fiction. H.G. Wells went there with his time machine and Hollywood has gone to that well many times and told us many stories with that idea as their basis. In this episode we do a deep dive on time travel. We discuss the methods and philosophies of time travel that we’ve seen in various stories. We’ll talk about our favorite stories with time travel, and we’ll also talk about ones that we had issues with. We also debate the merits of the ending of Infinity War and discuss how time travel is effecting the MCU.

Since there are four guests this time there is no five-minute controversy.

This week Ryan; Alli; Leigh; and newcomer, Kravyn, join the cast.

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The post The 42cast Episode 183: It’s About Time appeared first on The ESO Network.

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