Star Trek Picard is here! Join us for the latest Trek news, reviews, opinions, and more! STAR TREK Is My DNA STAR TREK: PICARD returns us to the life of our beloved captain. Retired from Starfleet, he’s a man without a purpose. The series picks up on the eve of his newfound purpose. We talk about where the show could be heading and give our thoughts on the premiere episode. We are also happy to announce that season 2 has already been announced. Is there such a thing as too much Star Trek? Discovery has not yet released season 3, […]

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Star Trek Picard is here! Join us for the latest Trek news, reviews, opinions, and more! STAR TREK Is My DNA


PICARD returns us to the life of our beloved captain. Retired from Starfleet, he’s a man without a purpose. The series picks up on the eve of his newfound purpose. We talk about where the show could be heading and give our thoughts on the premiere episode. We are also happy to announce that season 2 has already been announced. Is there such a thing as too much Star Trek?

Discovery has not yet released season 3, but season 4 has been announced.

Section 31 is in pre-production.

2 more live action series are in the works!


Other Stuff:

Sony announces Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse sequel

Crisis on Infinite Earths review

Dawson’s Creek and pointless drama

Bloodshot trailer review

Morbius trailer review

Vivarium trailer review

Dan Hitch gives us his work / spaceship scenario

RIP Terry Jones 1942 – 2020

This week’s podcast promo: Metal Geeks

The post STAR TREK Is My DNA – Rusted Robot Podcast 276 appeared first on The ESO Network.