Kids, let us take you back to the year 2008. Yes, 2008 was an exciting year for film. After all, Iron Man took the first steps into the MCU and Joker told us all about how he got those scars. Also, the two films that Adam, Thomas and returning guest Torrey Depina are going to …

Double Edged Double Bill Episode 171 – Back When The Wrestler Was Happening in 2008 Read More »

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Kids, let us take you back to the year 2008. Yes, 2008 was an exciting year for film. After all, Iron Man took the first steps into the MCU and Joker told us all about how he got those scars. Also, the two films that Adam, Thomas and returning guest Torrey Depina are going to talk about on this week’s Double Edged Double Bill came out! First, Mickey Rourke gives the performance of his career as a broken down pro-wrestler in The Wrestler! Then, M. Night Shyamalan weaves a new horrific tale about plants and child-like adults in The Happening! Together, our trio answers the crucial questions. Where did the Mickey Rourke comeback go wrong after 2008? What type of candy should one stuff up Mark Wahlberg’s giant nostrils? Which two films will we discuss for next week’s episode on martial arts films? Well, run from those plants and get into the ring so you can listen to find out!

If you’re in the Atlanta, GA area during Labor Day weekend, come see Thomas do panels at DragonCon! Follow the show on Twitter @DEDBpod & Facebook as well as Adam and Thomas on Twitter! Send feedback to [email protected]! Subscribe to our Patreon to get exclusive content for just $1 a month! If you like the show, please subscribe or rate us on Apple PodcastsSpotify and Stitcher! Our artwork is provided by the amazing Christian Thor Lally! We’re a proud member of The ESO Network, alongside other great shows like Ring of Thunder! Buy merchandise with our logo or other logos now at The ESO Network Tee Public Store!

The post Double Edged Double Bill Episode 171 – Back When The Wrestler Was Happening in 2008 appeared first on The ESO Network.

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