Steven Soderbergh is one of the most prolific filmmakers working today. So, since he celebrates a birthday this week Double Edged Double Bill is doing an episode on him with returning guest Torrey Depina! First, Terence Stamp goes from General Zod to low life enforcer in hidden gem The Limey! Then, Matt Damon packs on …

Double Edged Double Bill Episode 139 – Steven Soderbergh Presents The Limey Informant! Read More »

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Steven Soderbergh is one of the most prolific filmmakers working today. So, since he celebrates a birthday this week Double Edged Double Bill is doing an episode on him with returning guest Torrey Depina! First, Terence Stamp goes from General Zod to low life enforcer in hidden gem The Limey! Then, Matt Damon packs on a few pounds and a few embezzled dollars in The Informant! Together, our trio answers the crucial questions. Does Peter Fonda do much acting in The Limey? How long can a recurring gag be driven into the ground? What two films will they choose for next week’s episode on stand up comedian film vehicles? Well, strap on your wires and load up your iPhones to film us as you listen to find out!

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The post Double Edged Double Bill Episode 139 – Steven Soderbergh Presents The Limey Informant! appeared first on The ESO Network.

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