Are you getting tired of the same old super heroes doing the rounds. Well how about mixing up marvel or a different DC universe. In this episode of the Cosmic Pizza Podcast, Dan Paul and Shawn discuss their alternative versions of modern day super heroes. Can you think of any alternative super heroes? If so …

Cosmic Pizza Podcast: Episode 32 – Alternative Super Heroes Read More »

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Are you getting tired of the same old super heroes doing the rounds. Well how about mixing up marvel or a different DC universe. In this episode of the Cosmic Pizza Podcast, Dan Paul and Shawn discuss their alternative versions of modern day super heroes.

Can you think of any alternative super heroes?

If so email them to us at [email protected], tweet us on twitter or post on our Facebook page.

Go on. You know you want to!

Title music by: Letter Box

The post Cosmic Pizza Podcast: Episode 32 – Alternative Super Heroes appeared first on The ESO Network.