Cigar Nerds Podcast: Final Destination. 20 years ago we learned Death has a plan and like Jason you can’t out run him. This week we’re talking about the Final Destination series that made death its self a villain. In science we discuss robots studying dreams, firenados, killer asteroids, and your phone knows when your drunk. …

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Cigar Nerds Podcast: Final Destination. 20 years ago we learned Death has a plan and like Jason you can’t out run him. This week we’re talking about the Final Destination series that made death its self a villain. In science we discuss robots studying dreams, firenados, killer asteroids, and your phone knows when your drunk. In news we talk about the passing of Chadwick Boseman, Resident Evil Netflix series, Star Wars Squadron, The Babysitter gets a second movie, trouble with the Texas Chainsaw reboot, The Batman trailer, and a new Wonder Woman trailer. This week we are smoking the CAO Bones.

The post Cigar Nerds Podcast: Final Destination appeared first on The ESO Network.