Cigar Nerds Podcast: Dark Fate .Episode 129 He said he’d be back and now he is, and he’s brought some friends. This week we are talking about Terminator Dark Fate and not only the return of Arnold, but also the return of James Cameron and Linda Hamilton to the Terminator universe. Was it a good movie and if so why has it bombed so far? We give our theories. In Blowing smoke we have another random discussion on troll culture and why you shouldn’t trust everything your read on the internet. In Nerds News we look at the new Sonic […]

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Cigar Nerds Podcast: Dark Fate .Episode 129 He said he’d be back and now he is, and he’s brought some friends. This week we are talking about Terminator Dark Fate and not only the return of Arnold, but also the return of James Cameron and Linda Hamilton to the Terminator universe. Was it a good movie and if so why has it bombed so far? We give our theories. In Blowing smoke we have another random discussion on troll culture and why you shouldn’t trust everything your read on the internet. In Nerds News we look at the new Sonic Trailer, a Scooby Do origin story, Marvel sets some release dates, and we talk about Exilecon news. This week we’re smoking the Hoyo Dark Sumatra.

HOYO Dark Sumatra
Terminator Dark Fate



The post Cigar Nerds Podcast: Dark Fate appeared first on The ESO Network.