Awkward dates, technology and the art of being emotionally unprepared. My original plan for the episode was a conversation with an avid Trump supporter. The hope was to have an open and honest chat with the goal of getting to the bottom of why this man supports someone that most people cannot stand. However, due …

Awkward Dates – Soul Forge Podcast 175 Read More »

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Awkward dates, technology and the art of being emotionally unprepared.

My original plan for the episode was a conversation with an avid Trump supporter. The hope was to have an open and honest chat with the goal of getting to the bottom of why this man supports someone that most people cannot stand. However, due to scheduling conflicts, that episode was not to be.

The next thought was to talk about being unprepared emotionally. Winter is coming and I’m never ready for it. At least, not ready in my soul. But alas, it comes every year around the same time. There is no choice but to get ready.

This episode then moves into talking about the best time in the world to be born. Naturally I only have my own perspective. I do believe that my lifespan and era is the best of all possible times. You see, I was born before technology took over so I can appreciate life without being dependant on apps and smartphones. Yet, I’m young enough to appreciate what they bring to the table. And I want to be a cool grampa who wears obscure band T-shirts.

The show ends with a chat about a couple of awkward dates. This ties into being emotionally unprepared on two front. The first date I mention, the girl was not ready or prepared. In the second example, I was too young to be ready and prepared.

The podcast ends with a trailer for the 1992 movie Kuffs. That film ties into the second awkward date.

This week’s podcast promo: Ring of Thunder

The post Awkward Dates – Soul Forge Podcast 175 appeared first on The ESO Network.