Hey people, welcome to ESN23 It’s a long one. Don’t look at us like that, the episode is a long one but that’s cool, cause we got Fireworks & Comfort along for the ride with us. First time with TWO FEMALES on the show.
With their help we discuss;
Women That Call And Talk To You For No Reason | How You Find Yourself In The Friend Zone And How You Break Out | If It’s Cool For A Women To Have A Male Confidant | We Sing The Golden Girls Them | If You Can Have Sex With Someone In The Friend Zone And Go Back To Being In The Zone | If We’d Kill Our Child To Save Mankind | If We’d Look In The Mirror And Say Candyman Three Times | What Classifies A Person As A Whore | Botflies | International Womens Day | How To Know When A Woman Is Interested In A Man | Facebook Group Post Of The Week |
No links this week. Just the same ol’ same ol’ about emailing comments & questions to [email protected] and a reminder the Facebook group is growing at such a rate facebook can’t even keep up. You can add to their troubles by having a look in.
Eloquently Saying Nothing until the next time when we start saying something.