Hey folks, thanks for coming back. In this episode we discuss;
Sparking Up A Relationship With Another Mans Ex Mistress, Stalkers, How To Break Up A Relationship, Men Are Not Scared Of Commitment, The Theory Every Woman Already Knows The Man They SHOULD Be With But Aren’t Because They’re Too Nice, If Black Women Go Out With White Men Because They Can Dominate Him, Will & Jada vs Jay-Z & Beyonce, Does Hard Work = Success Automatically?, Peoples Complaints On Our Views & If Going Through A Partners Phone Is OK?
Another week done, hope we made you life better. As usual, check the links below for the bits and bobs we mentioned in the show. Remember, the show is nothing without your questions, request & comments so keep them coming. You can email us at [email protected].
Enjoy and come back next time for more.
Eloquently Saying Nothing until the next time when we start saying something.