This week's topics:

• Caucasians wanting to adopt Native Americans
• Disproportionate number of ethnic minorities up for adoption
• Blacks not adopting White
• White people having stereotypical 'Black' problems/upbringing
• People pimping fostering
• Having a second wife to have children
• Putin calling out the West for hypocrisy
• New Italian PM, Giorgia Meloni calling out France for Imperialism, exploitation and resource plundering in Africa [because Macron called her out and she don't want immigrant Africans in her Country]
• Africans being asked by their government not to go for domestic work in some countries
• Mind charity catching heat on their social media for supporting triggered Blacks around police killings of Blacks
• Women not wanting their casual sexual partners to treat them nice
• Why men might not wife someone who started off casual
• Misleading people instead of telling them the blatant truth to save feelings
• Adebayor's celebration against Arsenal
• Ashley Cole leaving Arsenal
• Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng's mini budget fallout
• Truss throwing Kwarteng under the bus
• Trickle down economics
• Can Labour actually win the next election
• MP Rupa Huq accusing Kwasi Kwarteng of being superficially Black

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