In this episode we welcome guest Gbontwi Anyetei and discuss:
• Black women in Love Island
• Dating someone who has been on Love Island
• The compative beauty in Africa
• If a stop over in a country means you can claim that as a country you’ve been to
• ADOS: American Descendants of Slaves as a new and divisive movement
• Black British v African Americans
• Gentrification and its effect on the community
• How Black people that were not born and raised in Africa are seen when they go back home.
• The ‘When They See Us’ series on Netflix, documenting the Central Park 5’s case
• What messages parents should give their children if ever stopped by police
• Women being sexually assaulted on public transport
• Another suspecious death of a Black man in police custody
• Why Black people don’t / haven’t risen up violently to retaliate against police brutality and White supremecy
• The protests in Liberia against President George Weah
• The army killings of citizens In Sudan
• #StavrosSays Recommendation : Julie Adenuga's Skepta interview (
Black Mirror (

Connect with our guest:
Gbontwi Anyetei is @GbontwiAnyetei on Twitter
Purchase Gbontwi's books at :

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