In this episode we welcome Georgette from Just The Tip Podcast to discuss:
• Forgery make-up to trick a man into thinking that she always looks like so
• Meeting potential in-laws for the first time and proper conduct
• Helping out in the kitchen
• Afro-Caribbean Adult / Child respect dynamic
• Being recently unemployed
• The 'shame' of claiming benefits
• Micheal Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland and his upcoming cancellation
• The normalisation of cosmetic surgery
• BBL v Gym
• Instagram models selling a dream
• Who is at fault for women getting work done
• How important are the vows 'In sickness and in health'
• B. Smiths' husband dealing with a 'life partner' whilst still married
• How much it would take for us to sit in a room and receive racial abuse from an old white man
• Being jealous or not of partner's friend buying them an expensive gift
• Being able to express the full altitude of sexual joy from fellatio
• Potential guests blanking platforms for not being big enough
• #StavrosSays : Netlix series 'Russian Doll' (

Connect with our guest Georgette at:
@coco_abroad on Twitter & Instagram
And her Just The Tip Podcast #JTTP on all podcast outlets (@justthetippodcast)

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