This is an exciting episode featuring Kaitlyn Allen, Carol Liffman, and Dr. Ivonne Cruz.  Carol is a Senior Consultant with Global Affairs Associates who started her career in oil and gas as a geoscientist.  She was also the featured expert on episode #6 of this podcast.  Dr. Cruz holds a Doctorate and Masters degree in Sustainability. She serves as the Puentes Consortium Administrator, a Resident Scholar for the Center for the U.S. and Mexico at the Baker Institute and conducts research on climate change and social issues.  Most recently, Dr. Cruz was a faculty member of the Master in Global Affairs program where she teaches sustainability and global Issues. She has been in academia as associate researcher in countries such as Spain, U.K and the U.S.  She has experience as a consultant working on projects with international agencies, nonprofits and public and private entities.  Dr. Cruz has published several papers and book chapters on the social dimensions of environmental change, and she has collaborated in the elaboration of sustainability reports for private companies and local governments.

The information shared was recorded by Dr. Cruz for her students, and we wanted to share it on the podcast also.  As Dr. Cruz points out, today’s students are very engaged in the topic of sustainability.  They understand the importance of clean energy and conservation, and many are familiar with the UN SDGs.

Their conversation covers a variety of topics from how much waste we generate today, to today’s unconventional energy sources that may be more mainstream in the future, to carbon capture and enhanced oil recovery.  Remember, everyone organization or company needs to define what ESG means to them, and the innovative solutions will be, in large part, local strategies.

The discussion these three experts have is like a mix ‘ESG 101’ and a high-level review of previous episodes.  So, whether you are new to the topic of ESG or a faithful follower of this podcast, this information is for you.  As a resource boost for this episode, check out Project Drawdown.

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Enjoy this episode!