In this episode Kaitlyn Allen (Global Affairs Associates President & CEO) is joined by Jackie Lyles, CEO of the Jackie Lyles Group.  Jackie is a futurist and best-sellingauthor.  As a business champion, Jackie’s professional journey has taken her deep into the world of environmental, social and governance issues shaping the business world today.

In the shadow of the recent winter storm that brought the Texas power grid to a halt and impacted the lives of millions in this state, Kaitlyn and Jackie have a practical discussion about infrastructure; how it works and the roles the stakeholders play in the process.

Their thoughtful discussion explores concepts around worst-case planning scenarios and the path forward for the Texas power sector...without the blame game and finger pointing...but with proper consider of stakeholder collaboration.

This may also be the first podcast to mention Governor Greg Abbott and comedian Dave Chappelle in the same episode!

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