We light-heartedly refer to this episode as “The Amanda Show” as Amanda Hsieh (Amanda H.) meets with Amanda Tullos (Amanda T.), the Founder and Principal of GreeNexus Consulting.  GreeNexus has the mission to remove the barriers that surround implementing triple bottom line thinking (environmental impact, social responsibility, and economic value) into the built environment.

The Amanda H. and Amanda T. discuss the Living Building Challenge, which is currently the most rigorous performance building standard as it applies only to green buildings that “give more than they take.”  This is a great topic for those who are new to the concept of regenerative design, and the importance of building with the community and the future in mind.  There are many sustainability certifications in this space, which Amanda T. helps to shed light on.  She also talks about the focus of the 2021 Living Building Conference hosted earlier this year by the Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI).

For all current and aspiring entrepreneurs, Amanda T. shares  her 10-year journey as a sustainability consultant and speaks candidly about the lessons that accompany the small business owner’s journey.  Her resilience paid off, as Amanda T. was recently named a Houston Business Journal’s Most Admired CEO Honoree. We love it when great things happen to people, like Amanda T., who do great things for others!

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