Elliott Jin is the Interview Team Tech Lead at Triplebyte. You're gonna hear a lot about Project Euler in this one.

Charlie and Oz explore Elliott's path down the various intellectual rabbit holes (mostly Project Euler) that led him to software engineering at Dropbox, teaching the Algorithms course at Bradfield, and now leading Triplebyte's Interview tech team. Elliott also reveals the correct way to read a textbook (of which Charlie hadn't the foggiest), and Oz and Elliott try to explain to Charlie how they motivate students in their classes through "guided struggle."

Links and resources:

Project Euler 

K&R C (book)

Gorillas (QBasic) (game)
Windows 3.1

Drugwars (TI-83) (game)

Space Trader (game)

Computer Science Principles: Table of Contents (tweet)

Teaching Number Theory from Sophie Germain's Manuscripts: syllabus by David Pengelly (course)

How to Solve It - George Polya (book)

Silicon Zeroes (game)

The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson (book)

Computability and Logic (book)

Elements of Programming (book)

SICP (book)

Augmenting Long-term Memory: Michael Nielsen (article)

A Mind at Play - Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman, Claude Shannon biography (book)

The Bit Player (Claude Shannon movie)

The ultimate (useless) machine (wikipedia article)

Formative Assessment (wikipedia article)

Elliott Jin on GitHub

Elliott Jin on Medium

Charlie Harrington on Twitter

Oz Nova on Twitter
Episode SponsorBradfield School of Computer Science

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