Lauren Budorick is Graphics Software Engineer at Figma. She’s also read the 1989a .gif spec, yet still refuses to pronounce them as "JIFs."

Find out how Lauren went from bootcamp grad to Graphics Software Engineer, first at Mapbox and now at Figma, where she's building their prototyping rendering engine.

Charlie and Oz dig into Lauren's tips for learning linear algebra, how to see everything in the world as a triangle, and navigating a company without managers. Charlie and Oz also each try to recount stories of "achieving the impossible", and both painfully fail to remember the exact details of their anecdotes.

Links and resources:

Lauren’s 😢.gif tweet 

The 1989 .gif spec (which is still the latest release!)
Demo of the 1989 .gif spec (as rendered by a modern browser)
Demo of the 1989 .gif spec (as it was intended, in all its feature-laden glory)
The hottest chap app for teens is... Google Docs
The Story of the SuperFX Chip: The chip that made Star Fox on the Super Nintendo possible
The Soul of a New Machine
Lauren’s talk at Nordic.js (The Matrix is Everywhere: A primer on projections in Web Graphics)
3Blue1Brown Linear Algebra YouTube series
Figma's engineering blog
Hackbright Academy
Masters of Doom

Lauren Budorick on Twitter

Charlie Harrington on Twitter

Oz Nova on Twitter
Episode Sponsor:Bradfield School of Computer Science

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