While we always love a good romance book, sometimes romance can be a books weakest point. That can even be true of a book in the romance genre. Real Men Knit by Kwana Jackson is, at its core, a story about saving a knitting store in Harlem, New York City, New York. This is the key piece that drives the plot and is the source of the most drama, happiness, and sadness the book provides. The romance between wall flower Kerry and playboy Jesse? Not so much... 

Rating: "Running Out of Yarn Out of 10" - Lizzie

"Learning a New Pattern Out of 10" - Sam 

Follow the Author:

Website: https://kmjackson.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KmJacksonAuthor

Instagram: @kwanawrites

Twitter: @kwanawrites

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/kwanawrites/_saved/

Buy the Book: Amazon, Books a Million, Apple Books, Kobo, Indie Bound, Google Play

00:00 Intro

00:57 Background

01:22 Content Warning

01:32 Judge a Book By Its Cover

03:17 Now We Join...

36:15 One Question for the Author

39:05 Rating

39:57 Would You Read This Book Again?

41:06 Outro

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